Monday 27 October 2014

Labour Day...

Are we seeing a reversal of accepted rights and an erosion of humane conditions? Is self-interest gaining momentum at the expense of the have-nots and the powerless? Standing up to authority, for what you believe is a fair and just way to be treated is now insubordination and not justice. We reluctantly accept these conditions because we have lost the belief in ourselves to change them. We too often submit to what we are told by those in-charge of what is essentially our livelihood. Too often this is a debilitating dependence that can have negative consequences on a persona: depression, delusion, greed, hopelessness, despondency, selfishness. We are locked in a prison we cannot see. We are no longer free to govern ourselves. Those who have lost sight of their own conditions will often justify others power over them with a mutual co-existent relationship; that their own labour has become a commodity. Why bite the hand that feeds?
            Tell that to the people who stood up for your rights as a human and not a slave. Tell that to the millions of exploited factory workers who have fought degrading and inequitable conditions so you wouldn't have to. Tell that to the people who fought so you could be paid enough to live; the people who fought for your right to be given appropriate rest periods. Tell that to the people who stood up so your voice could be heard.
            These are the people that stood up for your rights, not because you were the current generation, but because you were the future generation that mattered the most. When humanity ceases to exist we only have self-interest to blame. For those who stood up for you, did so in the interests of humanity.

———————————————————————————————————————— "... we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever in peace." 
 —W. M. Hicks.